Tuesday 2 January 2024

GRASS - an AI training project !

A bandwidth sharing app, for now only counts uptime, points will turn into network ownership.

Bandwidth will be used to train AI, users will earn GRASS tokens.

During BETA sign up only via referral link. 

GET GRASS sign up link !

Might be on #solana, it is already on #solanamobile SAGA phone !

Bandwidth going to be used for training AI ! 

YES! a bandwidth sharing app users can earn GRASS token while helping to train AI!

Join now before BETA ends!


or just the code


Already got 4.5M$ funding! and it is just starting!

The #solanamobile exclusive pre release for #getgrass_io is finally live🍃

Saga can now passively mines $HELIUM + $GRASS ⛏️

As we've seen, protocols that give Saga users any sort of kickback instantly targets ~20k Solana maxis diehards all at once.

Project is currently in the Beta stage, and access is available only through an invitation link.

By using the Grass extension, you will have opportunity to earn points that can be converted into tokens at a later stage.

Link:  https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=EByVuy4d9ttOFlf

How can you earn extra points?

By inviting people, you will receive a bonus from:

• Direct Referrals: 20% of their earnings.

Additionally, you will also earn points when your referrals invite others.

• Secondary: 10%

• Tertiary: 5%


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